Radicchio’s flavor is a complex mix of bitter and sweet, emphasizing the bitter. Pan-roasting it caramelizes the leaves and brings out the vegetable’s sweetness. Using that as the base for a vinaigrette doubles down on the complexity of the radicchio’s flavor, and the vinaigrette’s flavors both complement and tame its bitterness. 

The measurements given here for the vinaigrette are necessarily approximate, since radicchio varies in its intensity. If you don’t have these exact vinegars, replace the moscatel with another vinegar that’s got a sweet-and-sour tang, or with pomegranate syrup. Use the second vinegar, and the salt and sugar, to balance the flavors between sweet and tart.


1 large head radicchio

½ cup olive oil

2 tbsp moscatel vinegar, or other lightly sweet vinegar

1-2 tbsp raspberry-infused fruit vinegar, or white wine vinegar

Salt and sugar, to taste


  • Gently pull away the outer leaves of the radicchio, leaving them attached to the center core, until you expose the heart (roughly the middle 1/3 of the head.

  • Sever the heart from the remainder of the head using a small, sharp knife. Cut it into quarters, connected at the stem end (if possible) so the leaves won’t fall apart.

  • Heat a skillet over moderate heat, and add a spoon or two of oil. Place the quartered radicchio heart in the oil and let it cook without turning for 8 to 10 minutes. The side that’s in contact with the pan will blacken (turn the pan down if this happens within the first 3-4 minutes), while the upper side softens gently.

  • Transfer the caramelized radicchio to the jar of your blender, and add the olive oil and moscatel vinegar. Process to a smooth puree, and taste.

  • Add salt, the second vinegar and sugar as/if needed, until the vinaigrette’s flavor is well balanced between tangy and sweet.

  • Reserve half of the pink sauce for the previous recipe’s roasted beets.

  • Drizzle a portion of the remaining sauce over the inner leaves of the radicchio, and fold them closed. Drizzle another spoonful over the outside of the inner leaves, and fold up the next layer to cover them. Repeat, until the head of radicchio is reassembled and liberally dressed with the pink sauce.

  • Serve the radicchio whole, for the most attractive presentation, then slice it into wedges for serving.


